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An Example Of Simple Diet For Male Bodybuilders!

Sample menu for the day for the beginner bodybuilder should be as follows.

The first meal (7:00) 1 cup of oatmeal in the water 1 cup egg cocktail

The second meal (9:00) Instead of eating it is more useful to take Prolab which is a complex for muscle mass mixed with water or a protein powder (about 40 g of protein) mixed with 40 grams of carbohydrates with mashed rice, cereal or oatmeal , plus one spoon of flaxseed oil.

Lunch (12:00) 1 cup of brown rice or medium-sized baked potato or a bowl of oatmeal 2 cups green beans, broccoli or any other desired vegetable, plus a portion of chicken, turkey, or lean fish

Healthy Diet/>

Lunch (15:00) The menu is the same as for the second meal

Dinner (18:00) 1 cup brown rice, or medium sized baked potato or a bowl of oatmeal 2 cups green beans, broccoli or any other desired vegetable or a portion of chicken, turkey, or lean fish

The second dinner (20:00) bodybuilders can use the same menu as for the second meal.

This is just an example of a useful and effective diet for male bodybuilders, especially beginners in order to maintain efficiently their physical condition.
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