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Recent Bodybuilding Articles

4 Tips To Ignite Your Workout

Fire up your engine
Feeling sluggish affects how hard you can push your muscles because your central nervous system needs to be firing at full speed. So before you grab a dumb-bell, skip for 30 seconds, then do half a dozen body weight squat jumps and press-ups to get your body primed for the work ahead.

Create some space
Never stay seated on the equipment or machine you're using during your rest period, Stand up and walk away. If you create a mental and physical space between exercise and rest when you return to the bench or seat you'll be fully focused on what you are about to do.

Visualize the lift
Before the first set of each exercise. rehearse the moves in your mind. Think about the correct initial position and where you go from there until you reach the top of the move, then return to the start Not only will this mentally prepare you, it will also channel some aggression so you can hit the set hard.

Start super setting
Performing back-to-back exercises that works opposing muscle groups is a great way to push your muscles. For example, do a set of bench presses {chest) followed without rest by a set of one-arm rows (back). Testosterone levels start declining after 40 minutes of lifting, so work out within this time for the best muscle e-growing response


What to Eat: Before, During and After Training

Before training
To get the most out of the session, your fuel tank needs to be fully stocked. If you've eaten a main meal within three hours of starting to train you're likely to have enough energy. If not, have a simple high-carb snack such as a bagel with cream cheese or a muffin within one hour of the start of the session and that should see you through.
You need some carbs if you are to have the energy to lift weights, but you also need some protein - especially sources containing the amino acid leucine, such as lentils or beef - in your system because this will help prevent too much muscle breakdown and mean your body can start repairing damaged tissue straight away. A good example would be wholegrain toast with cottage cheese about an hour before the session.

During training
If the session is shorter than an hour all you need to do is take on water to stay hydrated. If you train for longer then begin to consume some simple carbs in the form of energy gels or drinks, but only if you have tried them before - you don't want to upset your stomach.
All you need is water to keep you hydrated. A carb and protein shake towards the end of the session may help promote muscle repair and growth, but you won't need this if you can have a balanced meal soon after your shower.

After training
Cardio and weights
As soon as you have finished training you need to take on some carbs and protein, typically in a ratio of four to one. After a hard session your muscles' energy stores are depleted: the carbs will replenish them while the protein will help rebuild the muscles to make them stronger ahead of the next session. Because your muscles are like a sponge after training, the sooner you can eat, the more of the nutrition they will soak up.
Bodybuilder regime

Basic Exercises: Leg Curl

Basic Exercises

Usually this exercise is done on the leg curl machine. No exercise works more directly on the backs of the thighs, the leg biceps. Lie on your stomach on the bench of the machine, hook your heels under the lever bar, then, holding the sides of the bench, pull the weight toward your buttocks. Bring your heels as far forward as you can, then lower the weight slowly. Let it go all the way down to give your muscles a long stretch. Be sure that your legs move only from the knees down. While training your legs do not allow your hips to help lift the weight. If you do, the curls will be far less effective. It is important to let the legs go straight, then to curl the weight up as far as possible. If a leg curl machine is not available, you can improvise by placing a dumbbell between your feet as you lie prone on a flat bench, and then curl the weight up. Naturally the curl machine is best because of its constant leverage and resistance.

Female Bodybuilding: Beauty and Strength (Part 3)

Check out this sexy and appealing photo gallery with women involved in bodybuilding!

Female Bodybuilders
Female Bodybuilders
Female Bodybuilders
Female Bodybuilders
Female Bodybuilders
Female Bodybuilders
Female Bodybuilders
Female Bodybuilders
Female Bodybuilders

Spicy Food: Fat Loss And Other Health Benefits

Chillies and other spicy foods work in a number of ways to assist fat loss. The simplest but most effective way they do so is by promoting satiety, which means you eat less during the meal and don't reach for snacks a couple of hours later. Another factor is that you are likely to drink more water, and so feel fuller sooner and eat less. Spices can also cause small increases in your metabolic rate, so you burn the fat faster. So there are benefits, but you certainly shouldn't rely on chilli alone to shift your spare tyre - a recent study found that the amount of spicy food typically eaten in a diet was not enough to have any effect on weight loss alone.

According to several researches these are the ten advantages of spicy food:

1 Aid Weight Loss
2 Lower the “bad” Cholesterol levels.
3 Improve Digestion
4 Improve Circulation
5 Prevent Cancer
6 Improve Heart Health
7 Improve Sleep Pattern
8 Improve Healing Rate
9 Improve Mood
10 Promote Better Breathing.

Flexibiliy: An Important Element Of Training

While most exercises do not require anything other than an average flexibility, a few exercises call for more than average level of  flexibility. Perhaps the most conclusive examples are the squat and deadlift. If you have tight Achilles tendons, hamstrings, thigh adductor muscles, and glutes, for you it will be impossible to squat or deadlift in good form.

In the squat, a person is inflexible in hamstrings, thigh adductors, and glutes, and in this case you will round your lower back as you descend, lean forward excessively, and be in risk of toppling over. Back injuries will be inevitable as soon as you squat with a more serious effort. If your Achilles tendons are tight, your heels will not stay flat on the floor. And if you are inflexible in your shoulders and pectorals you might have trouble holding the bar over your shoulders with clenched hands. Regardless how good or bad your leverages are for squatting, a flexible body will go a long way to make better your squatting form.

Stretching are also of high importance in the matter of flexibility. Developing and then maintaining a flexible body is of great importance. It should become a habit for life. As you become older the stretching are becoming more important becomes. If currently you are tight and inflexible, especially in your lower body, a careful, progressive and systematic stretching routine on alternate days for 4–6 weeks is needed. Only then will you be able to adopt the necessary form in those exercises that demand a higher degree of flexibility.

Fibers: Another Element of Strength in Your Food

Fiber is important for bodybuilders and athletes mainly because it assists in adding bulk to ones diet. It is a known fact that fruits and vegetables are valuable in providing fiber. Fiber represents that portion of the food which is not digested but helps the intestines to move the waste along. A certain amount of fiber is necessary in the diet of every human being.

Constipation is many times caused by lack of sufficient fiber and you have to make sure that your diet is varied enough to provide the needed dietary fiber for the intestinal wastes. Therefore, unless your doctor finds extra fiber to be necessary in your case, don’t go out of your way it is not required to increase greatly the quantity of fiber in your diet.

In this case take care not to overeat or stuff yourself with too much fruit pulp or bran. Remember, moderation is all the things, including your diet is essential for a man’s health. Bran and other foods like raw fruits, coarse vegetables containing a great deal of fiber and it may clog the intestines or even cause irritation and abnormal contractions or spasms of the intestinal musculature. It is appropriate to find out the most healthful diet for your particular type of digestive system and use it according to your own experience.

There are two types of fibers: The first type is soluble fiber. It feeds intestinal bacteria, which then convert it to short chain fatty acids. These than have very positive effects on the body such as inhibiting the growth of yeast and disease causing bacteria and help decreasing the risk of cancer of the large intestine. This kind of fibers also help lower blood cholesterol levels by reducing the amount of cholesterol produced by the liver This type of fiber dissolves in water and forms a gel like substance and helps to regulate blood sugar levels. The second type is insoluble fiber. This type does not dissolve in water, but instead acts on intestinal toxins and plays an crucial role in the prevention of colon and breast cancer.

Healthy Recepies For Female Athletes (Part 2)


Asparagus Frittata

Asparagus Frittata
Amount of calories: 100 calories per serving

1⁄2 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 1⁄2 cup thinly sliced onion 1 clove garlic, minced 1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme 12 cooked asparagus stalks, cut into 2-inch pieces 1⁄2 medium tomato, seeded and diced 11⁄2 cups liquid egg whites 1⁄2 teaspoon salt 1⁄2 teaspoon pepper 1⁄2 cup freshly grated reduced-fat Parmesan cheese nonstick cooking spray
Method of Preparation
Heat the olive oil over medium heat in a nonstick, ovenproof frying pan. Add the onion, garlic, and thyme. Saute until the onion is soft but not brown. Add the asparagus and cook for a minute longer. Add half of the tomato and stir a few times. Remove the vegetables and wipe out the pan. Turn on the broiler. In a mixing bowl, beat the egg whites, salt, pepper, and cheese together. Spray the same frying pan with nonstick cooking spray and heat on medium. Pour in the eggs and scatter the vegetables on top of the eggs. Turn the heat to low and cook 5–8 minutes until the frittata is golden brown on the bottom. Place the frittata under the broiler and cook until firm, about 5 minutes. Slide onto a plate and garnish with the remaining chopped tomato.

The Importance of Spotting in Your Training

Spotting means help from one or more assistants and can come from a training partner or from anyone who is in the gym at the time and who is willing and able to spot you. While trainees working out solo at home are not going to have a spotter, everyone training at a public gym can usually get a spotter when needed. Good spotting helps your training in three important ways:

-To assist you with lifting the weight when you can lift it no further, e.g., when the bar stalls during a bench press ascent.
-To provide the minimum assistance to ensure that the last rep of a set is done in good form. In this case, you probably could get the rep out under your own power but your form would break down. Consider the last rep of a set of bench presses when one hand gets slightly above the other, and you feel like increasing the arch in your back in order to get that rep out. This is a dangerous situation. A spotter can make the difference between safety and injury.
-During a set you may forget a key point of form. A spotter can alert you to key form pointers while ensuring that you put forth maximum effort. You need excellent exercise form and intensity of effort.

The spotter must have an alert eye and be ready at all times of a set. He should spot with an arched lower back, not a rounded back—the spotter must be safety conscious and use good lifting form himself. He should be particularly alert when the lifter begins to struggle and good form starts to break down. An alert, serious and strong spotter should especially be present for squatting, bench pressing, and pressing, including all dumbbell pressing.

For effective spotting, the help must be applied with two hands in a balanced way. For example, spotting the bench press by putting one hand under the center of the bar will lead to the bar tipping, as will using two hands but not applying them to the bar symmetrically.

After an assisted rep, the trainee is going to be very fatigued. The spotter must help the lifter to return the bar to the weight saddles at the end of a set. If two spotters are involved, there must be excellent communication. Take the squat as an example. If there is not excellent communication, one spotter could take one end before the other spotter grabs his end of the bar. If one spotter shouts “Take it!” then the other must respond even if he thinks the assistance could have been delayed a little.

Fish OIl: The Ultimate Element for an Athlete

If there is a magic supplement for most people as this is being written, it is fish oil.Recently, well-accomplished strength coach Charles Poliquin wrote an excellent piece on why fish oils are the most important supplement. In it, he outlined the benefits of fish oil as follows.

Fish oils have been promoted as a potential cure for virtually all diseases. Some members of the medical community have inferred that most ailments can be healed by manipulating the ratios between the EPA and the DHA. For those of us interested in positively and optimally altering body composition and maximizing our training efforts, fish oils offer 16 possible advantages.
Fish Oil

Avoid Long Term Negative Calorie Balance

The chances are good that you know at least one person who always seems to be on a diet. The odds are also good that although these habitual dieters may achieve some small weight losses, they are among the 95% that always gain it back. Then, discouraged with the failure of their last diet, they quickly embark on the latest “diet of the month” and repeat the cycle.

When fat loss stops or begins to slow down after being in a substantial calorie deficit, most people panic and cut their calories even further. Sometimes this works and it breaks the plateau. More often than not, it digs you into an even deeper metabolic rut. The best thing you can do is to raise your calories for a few days or sometimes even for a few weeks.

Balance of Calories

Your body’s weight regulating mechanism works both ways: It can decrease your rate of energy expenditure when there is a calorie deficit, or it can also increase its rate of energy expenditure when there is a calorie surplus. When you eat more, your body burns more. A temporary increase in calories when you have hit a plateau will “spike” your metabolic rate. It sends a signal to your body that you are not starving and that it’s ok to keep burning calories.

This practice of raising your caloric intake up and down is known as “cycling” your calories (also known as the “zig-zag” method). In general, the lower you go with your calories, the more important it is to take periodic high calorie days.

Meet Frank Zane

Frank Zane was born on June 28, 1942 in Kingston, Pennsylvania and he is an American former professional bodybuilder and teacher. Zane is a three-time Mr. Olympia (1977 to 1979). He is one of only three people who have beaten Arnold Schwarzenegger in a bodybuilding contest (1968 Mr. Universe in Miami, Florida) and one of the very few Mr. Olympia winners under 200 pounds. Overall, he competed for over 20 years (retiring after the 1983 Mr Olympia contest) and won Mr America, Mr Universe, Mr World and Mr Olympia throughout his illustrious career.

He has written many courses and books about bodybuilding. In 1994, Zane was inducted into the 1st annual Joe Weider Hall of Fame. He received the Arnold Schwarzenegger lifetime achievement award at the 2003 Arnold Classic for his dedication and long-time support of the sport. He was given the nickname "The Chemist" due to his Bachelor of Science degree.

Frank Zane
Frank Zane
Frank Zane
Frank Zane
Frank Zane
Frank Zane
Frank Zane
Frank Zane
Frank Zane

Best Methods to Preserve Fruits

There are three main methods to preserve the fruits:

1 Drying- the majority of the original water content has been removed either naturally, through sun drying, or through the use of specialized dryers or dehydrators.
Fruits Preservation

2 Freezing - s a method of preserving fruits in which the fruits contents are processed and sealed in an airtight container. Canning provides a typical shelf life of several years.
Fruits Preservation

3 Canning - it is a method of preserving fruits in which the fruits contents are processed and sealed in an airtight container. Canning provides a typical shelf life of several years Fruits Preservation

Drying fruit such as grapes and apricots removes most of the water-soluble B and C vitamins, but minerals such as zinc, iron, potassium and calcium become more concentrated - you get 4mg of iron from three dried apricots as opposed to 20 fresh ones.;

Freezing fruits locks their nutrients in. The freezing process itself destroys some vitamins, but these are lost naturally with exposure to light and air, so frozen peas will have comparable levels to fresh peas that were picked three weeks earlier. While canning retains some nutrients such as iron, it removes fibre - important for fat loss - so ifs best to stick to the other types.
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