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Recent Bodybuilding Articles

ZMA Benefits And Side Effects

As you are probably painfully aware by now, building muscle, burning fat, and just generally getting your body into much better shape in the process, is not a simple pastime or activity, and it isn’t something that can be achieved quickly. If you are serious about stepping up your diet and training, and taking your physique to the next level, you must be willing to do whatever it takes to get you to your overall goals and objectives.

As mentioned, you won’t see any notable improvements overnight, and it may be several weeks before you begin seeing any feeling, any improvements, but as long as you are patient and consistent, the gains will come, you just need to bide your time, do what needs to be done, and not expect miracles. As far as building muscle and burning fat is concerned, you must ensure that you are following the right training regime at the right time.

It’s no good just going to the gym and doing whatever you feel like doing on the day, you need to have some structure in your training, so that, if you’re down to train legs on that day, you make sure that you train legs on that day. Then of course, there is your diet to consider, which is actually even more important than the training side of things. You must ensure you are eating enough fresh, healthy, and wholesome produce, along with getting enough protein on a daily basis. Aim for around 1 – 1.5g of protein per pound of body weight, making sure to include protein supplements to help you to reach your macros.

Speaking of supplements, there is one supplement in particular, that experts are especially excited for in terms of bodybuilding, and it is this supplement which we’ll be taking a more in-depth look at right now. The supplement in question, is none other than ZMA, so let’s learn what ZMA is, plus take a look at several ZMA benefits in the process.

zma benefits

What Is ZMA?

ZMA, is a supplement that is made up of zinc, magnesium, and of Vitamin B6. All three of these ingredients play essential roles in a number of biological and physiological processes within the human body, and what’s more, all three are also very difficult to come by naturally. A vast percentage of human beings, all across the globe, are deficient in at least one of the aforementioned minerals or vitamins, which obviously then puts their health at great risk in the process.
One of the primary ZMA benefits then, is that it basically helps to ensure that deficiencies in any of the previously mentioned ingredients, simply do not become issues. Commonly, ZMA supplements are thought to assist with sleep and rest after a long day, and whilst that has indeed been proven to be true, ZMA supplements are now also found to be highly beneficial for bodybuilders and athletes in the process.

The Importance Of Minerals

ZMA supplements are backed up by a number of clinical studies and plenty of research, and one of the main reasons why ZMA benefits are so prominent, is down to the fact that the supplements provide plenty of essential minerals.


For example, Zinc plays a vital role in numerous biological processes and chemical reactions within the human body, and it has also been found to help boost the immune system, enhance hormone production, boost fertility, increase mental alertness, and increase physical energy in the process. Despite this, most human beings are deficient in this mineral, even though it is found commonly in certain whole food sources, particularly shellfish, that are the most foods high in zinc.


Magnesium is another mineral that we don’t get enough of, and this mineral is thought to be particularly beneficial for a person’s general health and well-being. For example, magnesium has been proven to assist with the transportation of neurochemicals which are essential for the healthy function of the muscles. On top of that, magnesium is also essential for cardiovascular health as it assists with heart function.

What is ZMA Benefits?

Now that we know a little more about ZMA, and what it contains, we’ll now take a look at some of the main reasons why you may wish to seriously consider supplementing with ZMA supplements.

ZMA Boosts The Immune System

One of the main benefits of ZMA supplements, is the fact that it boosts the immune system, which is hugely beneficial in itself. The immune system is the human body’s first and last line of defence against illness and disease, so a weak immune system is going to leave you more susceptible to a whole host of illnesses and ailments that could put your health at risk.

ZMA is rich in nutrients that strengthen and boost the immune system, which makes it ideal for anybody looking to improve their general health and well-being. Zinc and magnesium both play key roles in immunity, but the vitamin B6 really comes into its own and shows how useful it is when it comes to boosting our immune system.

A strong immune system protects you against illness and disease, so common colds and ailments can be avoided, as can more serious conditions such as cancer. This is also beneficial from a bodybuilding perspective, for the simple reason that, if you are ill and unwell, you will be unable to train, or if you do train, your workouts will suck, and you won’t be able to push yourself as hard as you may have initially hoped.

ZMA Boosts Testosterone

Another huge benefit associated with ZMA supplements, and one of the primary reasons why so many bodybuilders are now including ZMA supplements as part of their supplement stack, is the fact that ZMA supplements have been scientifically proven to boost testosterone. Zinc really factors into the equation here, because zinc has been found to greatly enhance testosterone production within the human body.

You may have heard people talking about how oysters are a natural aphrodisiac and how they can help boost fertility and libido, and the reason for this is because they are packed full of zinc. As the zinc helps stimulate the production and secretion of testosterone, you benefit from all of the zinc benefits associated with elevated test levels. Testosterone is vital for muscle growth and repair, so obviously the more of the hormone you have, the more muscle you will be likely to build.

We Lose Zinc When We Exercise

Studies have found that, when we exercise, we lose vital electrolytes and nutrients via our sweat, including zinc. Studies have found that we lose around 9% of our daily zinc requirements through sweat, which greatly hinders athletic performance, as well as our general health and fitness. In terms of ZMA benefits, the fact that we are able to replace lost zinc through these supplements, helps to greatly enhance physical performance, as well as endurance and health in general.

ZMA Supplements Promote A Good Night’s Sleep

Not sleeping sucks, and if you have a bad night’s sleep, boy do you know about it the next day. ZMA supplements have been proven to help promote a good night’s sleep, which is beneficial in so many different ways. Sticking with the bodybuilding theme, being able to get enough sleep at night is hugely important because we do our growing and repairing when we sleep and rest.
Without enough sleep, our muscles won’t be able to grow or recover as effectively as we may have hoped. Then of course, there is the fact that, if you don’t get enough sleep, the next day you will feel tired and lethargic, so the last thing you’ll want to do is hit the gym and exercise. With ZMA however, you needn’t worry as you will sleep at night, and feel fantastic the next morning.

Old School Training

Contraction and control are very important in leg extensions.

Bring the weight up in a controlled and deliberate manner all the way until your legs are completely extended. Contract hard for a brief count at the top, and then lower the weight back slowly to the start position. Never the let weight stack touch down between reps.

old school training

Heavy-Duty Legs with Mr. America/ Mr. Universe Mike Mentzer, Using the Pre-Exhaust System.

To develop mass, power and thickness in the thighs using the pre-ex-haust concept, which was originally developed by MMI’s own Robert Kennedy, popularized in the 1970s by Mike Mentzer, and later by sixtime Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates.

HOW IT WORKS: Perform all three exercises as one large tri-set with absolutely no rest between exercises. Start with leg extensions. This exercise focuses the stress almost entirely on the quad muscles of the front thigh. It’s important to isolate the quads with this singlejoint move to fatigue them so that when you go immediately into the squat, and then leg press, the secondary muscle groups (hamstrings, glutes) will have a temporary strength advantage and the thigh muscles can go to the point of failure without the weaker secondary muscles giving out first.

Mike believed in using the heaviest weight he could handle during the exercise. Although he believed in performing only one tri-set at maximum weight, he was also smart enough to make sure he warmed up his body and working muscles thoroughly. He began with light extensions and squats, typically 2-3 sets, to make sure he was loose and flexible and to prevent the possibility of serious injury. Though he did only one working set (three parts), he’d take every set to the point of positive failure, where he could no longer raise the weight for a full rep every workout!

  1. Use a weight that allows about eight reps with good form. Contract your quads to raise the padded lever in a smooth but strong motion, holding the peak-contracted position for a count; lower under control.
  2. After your set of extensions go directly to the squat rack; use a weight that allows you to do 5-8 reps with good form (have the weight already set). Control the descent, making sure you don’t bounce at the bottom. In a strong motion press back up to full-leg extension; continue to failure. Keep your back flat and midsection tight during execution; Mike would stare at a spot on the ceiling across the room to help keep his back from rounding or hunching. He preferred squatting to parallel, as he believed going lower put the connective tissues in a vulnerable position.
  3. Finish the tri-set with the vertical leg press, effective for stimulating growth because you can go heavy without worrying about balancing the weights. (If your gym doesn’t have this machine opt for the traditional leg press instead.) Choose a weight with which you can do 4-6 reps but go to failure. If you don’t have a spotter, push through your knees and self-spot with your hands for an extra rep or two. Mike would also add negative reps, lowering the weight very slowly, resisting as much as possible, then using the aid of his arms to push the weight back up to the start position. That’s it! This tri-set is extremely demanding and Mike believed that adding any more would be overtraining. (Warm-up sets don’t count.) Don’t train legs more than twice a week and don’t do more sets than indicated here. Using the right weights is critical to reaching muscle failure by the target reps. It’s also wise to train with a partner for safety.

Not Just Bad For The Waistline

Everyone knows too much sugar in your diet leads to weight gain, but too much glucose and fructose in particular also leads to potentially dangerous consequences for your liver, arteries and heart. Liver cells are the only ones in the body that can break down fructose, which they use to create fat. Too much causes a buildup in your liver called nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, which now affects almost 30% of adult Americans. When left too long, the condition can lead to cirrhosis and the degeneration of liver function, as well as cardiovascular disease.

Exercise is, to many people, the fountain of youth, and researchers have proof for this theory. No matter what your age, 20 minutes of exercise daily is all that’s required to reverse age-related decline in muscle stem cells, those cells vital to new muscle growth.

Rest-Pause to Power Up
You’ve likely used rest-pause as a way to take a set past muscle failure in an effort to build more muscle size. Research now shows rest-pause is also a great way to boost muscle power. You just have to use the technique a bit differently. When Appalachian State (Boone, NC) researchers had trained bodybuilders perform six reps of power cleans they were able to maintain power better on all reps when they used rest-pause for 20 or 40 seconds after every rep than when they did all six reps straight through. When training with explosive movements such as power cleans or jump squats, take a 20-40-second rest-pause between reps. This technique will help you build more muscle power and greater strength.

Researchers at Appalachian State University (Boone, NC) and the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill) found energy expenditure continues for up to 14 hours after a 45-minute high-intensity workout. This is great news for trainers wanting to lose unwanted bodyfat.

Want some help in reducing your last bit of belly fat? Try adding blueberries to your oatmeal or shakes. Researchers at the University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center (Ann Arbor, MI) found rats that were fed powdered freeze-dried blueberries had less abdominal fat and lower triglycerides (blood fats) and cholesterol compared to rats not given the blueberry powder in their diets. The scientists discovered blueberry intake affected genes associated with fat burning and storage.
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