Lunges are wonderful for toning the whole leg, but they are not recommended if you have knee problems. In each of the versions described, you lunge by stepping with one leg and sinking down, which causes the knee of the stationary leg to bend. Switch sides to work both legs. (Some people prefer to alternate legs, while others prefer to do one set per leg and then change.) All lunges start from a standing position, and when you have done each one, return to a standing position:
♦ For the standing lunge, move your right leg straight back behind your body, flexing the right foot, and sink down. This causes your left knee to bend.

♦ For the diagonal lunge, move your right leg out at a 45-degree angle and sink down. This again causes the left knee to bend.

♦ For the lateral lunge, step the right knee out to the side and sink down, once again causing the left knee to bend. The important thing is to keep the left knee over the ankle.