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Recent Bodybuilding Articles

Weight Training for Muscle Gain

weight training

Weight training involves the use of equipment that enables variable resistance. This resistance can come in the form of "free weights" like barbells and dumbells, machines that use cables or pulleys to help you lift the weight and bodyweight exercises like pull-ups or dips.

Free Weights vs. Machines vs. Bodyweight Exercises

For maximum muscle gain, the focus of your workouts should consist of free weight exercises. Not machines or bodyweight exercises. This is not to say that you should not use machines or bodyweight exercises, but they should not be the focus of your training. To get an effective, muscle blasting workout, you must stimulate the most muscle fibers as possible, and machines do not do this.

The main reason for this is a lack of stabilizer and synergist muscle development. Stabilizer and synergist muscles are supporting muscles that assist the main muscle in performing a complex lift. The more stabilizers and synergists worked, the more muscle fibers stimulated. Multi-jointed free weight exercises like the bench press, require many stabilizer and synergistic muscle assistance to complete the lift. On the other hand doing a bench press using a machine will need almost no stabilizer assistance.

Since machines are locked into a specific range of motion and help to support the weight along that path, they fail to stimulate the muscles that surround the area you are working (stabilizers). This is a mistake. If your stabilizer muscles are weak, then the major muscle group will never grow!

Free weight exercises like the dumbbell press or squat, for example, put a very large amount of stress on supporting muscle groups. That's why you will get fatigued faster and not be able to lift as much weight as you did on the machine. But you will gain more muscle, become stronger very quickly and have a true gauge of your strength.

If you use machines in your program, they should be used to work isolated areas and only after all multi-jointed exercises have been completed.

Beginners should begin with a limited combination of machine exercises, bodyweight exercises and multi-jointed free weight exercises. Before increasing the weight levels, they should work on becoming familiar with the proper form and execution of each. Soon, bodyweight exercises will become insufficient to stimulate growth and they will need to focus on more free weight exercises.

Multi-Jointed Exercises

The exercises that work the large muscle groups are called compound (or multi-joint) movements that involve the simultaneous stimulation of many muscle groups. These compound exercises should be the foundation of any weight training program because they stimulate the most amount of muscle in the least amount of time.

Here are the basic movements:

  • Bench Presses (works the chest, shoulders, tricep)
  • Overhead Presses (shoulders, tricep)
  • Pull-ups/Barbell Rows (back, bicep)
  • Squats (legs, lower back)
  • Deadlifts (legs, back, shoulders)
  • Bar Dips (shoulders, chest, arms)

They will overload your entire skeletal and muscular system like no machine could ever do, giving you and effective workout in a very short period of time. If you can only do a few exercises, then do these. They have been proven to encourage muscle and strength gain unlike any other exercises.

Lift Heavy Weight

To build mass, you must weight train with heavy weights. To consider a weight heavy, you should only be able to do a maximum of 8-12 reps before your muscles temporarily fail. A weight is considered "light" if you can do more than 15 reps before muscle fatigue sets in.

Heavy weights stimulate more muscle fibers than lighter weights. It's that simple. More muscle stimulation means more muscle growth.

Don't Overtrain

Heavy weight training puts a huge strain on your body, so adequate rest and recuperation after your workouts is essential. If you are prone to train too often, several things happen:

You don't give your muscles enough time to recuperate between workouts. If your muscles have not repaired themselves, you will not be at maximum strength for your next workout. Rest is essential. Other than eating, this should be your main focus.

You are setting yourself up for burnout or an injury. You must pace yourself. You want to be able to keep this up for a long time, not burnout before you reach your goals.

Contrary to popular belief, you do not grow while working out; you only grow when you are resting.

Below is an example mass workout.

Wednesday (legs, abs)

  • Heavy Squats, leg extension superset
  • Seated Calve Raises, 4 strips sets
  • Crunches (4 sets of 20)


Friday (chest, shoulder, triceps, abs)

  • Flat bench press, incline dumbbell flyes superset
  • Shoulder press, side raises superset
  • Tricep pushdowns
  • Reverse incline leg raises (3 sets of 20)


Sunday (back, biceps, abs)

  • Wide grip pull-ups, latbar pulldown superset
  • EZ bar bicep curl, incline dumbbell curls superset
  • Crunches (4 sets of 20)

Nothing fancy, but effective.

Bodybuilding Can Save your Life


People will shop interminably, ask endless questions and spend a lot of money to buy today’s luxuries like big screen TV’s, VCR’s and desktop computers and laptops. And once this sophisticated electronic gear is installed, they impulsively poke at keys and buttons on the chance that they can make it work with little or no reference to the manuals. They learn to live with equipment that functions minimally. It’s of no great concern because they won’t be punished for their indifference.

In a similar way, they shrug off their physical functions. Their hurry-up world has steered them away from the performance of their physical machine so delicately designed for healthy survival on this planet. Let their cars sputter for a moment on the freeway and they waste no time heading for the repair shop. Yet, when they find themselves out of breath after climbing a flight of stairs, they disregard the symptom, preferring not to consult the body’s manual of operation.

They grab pills instead, on the chance that one of them might work. Like their half used electronic devices, their bodies remain at a low level of performance.

We are biologically wired at birth with a warranty of threescore years and ten, but we tend to ignore the fine print with its numerous disclaimers. With proper care and maintenance, we can live far beyond the warranty. When we hit the wrong key, nature makes little allowance for the error. We get stamped with the deficiency, and we have to live with it. If the error is too great we may not live.

We can live longer or die sooner. The choice is ours. We can be either active or sedentary. It has always been the ethic of bodybuilders to plumb the depths of human physical behavior to determine a lifestyle that would ensure optimum function. Truths that have existed since time began have been ignored by modern man. Our forebears must have done the right thing to have handed us the legacy of life. The whole purpose of bodybuilding was to relearn the rules of nature to re-establish of form of life commensurate with the past. Primitive cultures and previous civilizations must have been faced with the same task, and they evidently came through with flying colors.

As bodybuilders, we learned long ago the importance of exercise, a balanced diet, proper rest, mental activity and peace of mind in ensuring a long and productive life. As a rule, bodybuilders going into their 70’s and 80’s today remain functional, healthy and independent. Bodybuilding has always been a form of re-search . The bodybuilding community itself was a great experimental group. We learned a lot by experience. We discovered things for ourselves, not waiting for scientists to do it for us. Today, we enjoy the benefits from both.

We knew you had to be fit to survive. There is no place for weakness. The laws of nature are fixed, finite and unforgiving. Early people had no drugs, or antibiotics to cure infectious diseases. They had to rely on their lifestyles as hard working athletes. Too many of today’s people have grown soft and dependent on scientific cures. Perhaps they live longer, but they have also become victims of incipient diseases due to their modern degenerative lifestyles.

Perhaps the greatest age related loss affecting health and daily activity is the loss of strength and total muscle mass. It comes as no surprise to us that scientists have recently observed the health benefits from strength training from people of all ages. In fact, the older you are, the more significant the health benefits.

With less muscle mass, your metabolic rate is lower, which means you must eat fewer calories to maintain a healthy weight. Which also means you get fewer nutrients and run the risk of becoming nutritionally deficient. Also, making matters worse is the increased need for certain nutrients with advancing age. Thus, the loss of muscle mass in the elderly is particularly alarming.

You can build muscle at any age. The sooner you get started the better. Every decade of your life has pitfalls that can be avoided by what you did previously. The bodybuilding you do today prepares you better for the threats awaiting you in the future.

If you don’t consult the manual and hit the right keys for the precisely functioning human machine presented to you at birth, you face life threatening consequences. I think the bodybuilding lifestyle is precisely what you need to keep your body up and running in perfection to the full extent of your warranty – and beyond.

Does Muscle Memory Occur?

The concept of muscle memory is controversial. Most bodybuilders have experienced this phenomenon, yet virtually no discussions of this topic have appeared in scientific and athletic publications. Although there is some speculation herein, these ideas are sure to help you better understand your body’s response to training after a layoff.

Before you know it, a month has gone by. Two months. Six months. I’ll get back to it sometime soon, you keep saying. You’re finally ready – a year later.

muscle memory

Don’t worry. Life can get in the way of even the most dedicated bodybuilder’s workouts. Be glad that you’re ready to commit to consistent training again. For those of you who haven’t attempted a small comeback before, here’s good news.

Gaining muscle size seems to be easier the second time around – even if you starting from the same place. That’s right. It appears that your muscles can reach their former size (their size when you stopped working out) in a much shorter time than it took to achieve that size that first time you trained.

If you’re an experienced bodybuilder who has returned to square one more times than you wish to remember, you probably know exactly what I mean. In fact, even many scientists and coaches are convinced this phenomenon occurs – having witnessed first hand. No one has a clue how this happens. Why should you pack on muscle size quicker when ‘retraining?’ It just doesn’t make sense.

With so many athletes and others observing this mystery of the iron game, some plausible explanation must exist. I’ll describe some possible reasons why your muscle may appear to have a memory. While understanding that the following ideas might help you make a comeback, keep in mind that these are just good guesses – not dogma.

Mind Games

Certainly, we can’t overlook the possibility that muscle memory doesn’t really occur at all. In other words, it’s completely possible that these changes have nothing to do with muscular adaptation. Then why do muscles seem to progress faster during a comeback? Well, it could all be in your head. Here’s what I mean.

The first time you trained consistently, you were probably a bit hesitant with the weights. You weren’t too sure how your muscles would respond and most importantly, you didn’t have a good idea how much weight you could lift. So you were cautious when it came to big weight increases – at least until you felt you could handle the heavier weight safely.

When making a comeback, that initial fear is gone. You know you can handle heavier and heavier weights because you’ve done it before. You probably expect to attain your former strength soon, anyway. For these reasons, you are more likely to add weight to the bar at a faster rate – pushing yourself as never before. Of course, this progressive overload will lead to quicker gains in strength and size.

The Nerve of those Muscle Cells

Perhaps the most likely explanation of muscle memory involves the neurons (nerve cells) that stimulate your muscles. These neurons tell all the muscle fibers (muscle cells) they innervate to contract. But, depending on the amount of weight being lifted, only a small percentage of neurons innervating a particular muscle may be recruited to stimulate their fibers. More weight on the bar – more neurons involved and more fibers stimulated. Simple enough, right?

Here’s something really interesting. Even during maximal voluntary contraction (attempting your max on any lift), you’re still not recruiting all the muscle fibers in your working muscles. In fact, it is this discrepancy between the percentage of fibers we normally recruit and what we theoretically can recruit (100%) that may account for those rare, but documented feats of superhuman strength.

What has that got to do with muscle memory? Well, one way your muscles may adapt to the stresses of consistent training is to increase over the long run the total percentage of fibers recruited during maximal and near-maximal lifts. Here’s the possible scenario:

The first time you trained, you recruited a certain percentage of muscle fibers during maximal lifts. As you trained more and more, this percentage increased. Then you stopped working out. When making a comeback, this ability to recruit a greater percentage of muscle fibers remains intact. Therefore, you’re starting with a capacity to develop more force within a muscle (since more fibers can be activated). Compared to the first time you trained, you’re one step ahead.

If you can develop more maximal force, then you can lift more weight – you’re a bit stronger. Although you may think you’re starting from the same place, this greater strength will enable you to progress faster, resulting in an ability to regain muscle size at a quicker pace.

The second way that neurons may be involved in muscle memory deals with skill development. When you start working out, your muscles interpret most of the lifts as new movements. So your neurons must develop the appropriate pattern of stimulation to get the weight up. Remember how shaky the bar was the first time you tried the bench press?

Fibers must be activated in just the right sequence to perform complex movements like the bench or the squat. And learning a new skill (just like trying to swing a golf club, etc.) may take quite a long time. The first time around, it may have taken you weeks to feel steady on the bench. Now those neural patterns have been developed and though they may be rusty, they can return very quickly after a layoff. What may be happening here is that after you stop working out you lose some of those neural patterns. When you work out again the neurological changes come faster. This accelerated restoration of neurological control will enable you to stimulate your muscles more efficiently, eventually causing the leveling off you reach in muscle strength and hypertrophy to be higher. You may be stronger and bigger when the neural patterning is done the second time around.

Muscular Adaptations

Another possible explanation of muscle memory concerns certain changes in your muscles that regular training may produce. Your muscles may adapt in two ways that could translate into faster gains during retraining. First, you may be able to increase the capillary bed surrounding muscle cells, creating a greater blood supply to the working muscle. If this happens, and many scientists believe it does, you would then be able to enhance the nutrient (glucose, branch-chain amino acids, etc.) availability to the muscle cell. Also, you might remove the waste products of repeated muscular work and energy production (lactic acid, heat hydrogen ions, etc.) at a faster rate. Since these waste products can limit performance, with the increased capillary bed, you would be in a position to train harder and longer.

Either or both of these situations would probably enable you to create a more effective muscular stimulus. This is the key in terms of muscle memory. These positive changes from an enhanced blood supply would be restored soon after a comeback since the capillary beds would quickly reopen. Thus you would have the advantage of a greater muscular stimulus from the start of retraining. This would lead to a greater adaptation – stronger and bigger muscles – and give the illusion of muscle memory.

Second, the enzymes that are involved in important bio-chemical reactions may be responsible for muscle memory. For example, we know that enzymes in reactions leading to the storage of glycogen (your energy source during anaerobic work) can be enhanced with training. It is plausible that enzymes involved in protein synthesis may increase in concentration and activity following repeated muscular stimuli and damage. It may actually be those enzymes that have a memory, quickly returning to their former increased concentrations and turning on these processes earlier. If this occurred, you’d be able to work out harder, possibly recover faster, and gained muscle mass more quickly than when you first trained.

10 Steps to Massive Muscles

massive muscles
Building muscle is easy, you just have to know how it’s done and apply that knowledge. There are so many things that you can do wrong when trying to build muscle that it is very important that you attempt it with the correct knowledge, otherwise you’ll end up wasting your time and energy with little or no results for all your efforts and expense. It’s quite easy to get fit, but to pack on pounds of muscle needs the correct knowledge – then it becomes easy.

Here are my 10 steps to Massive Muscles:

Note: Always get the go-ahead from your GP or Health Practitioner before starting or changing a training routine and before taking any nutritional supplements.

Step 1
Throw away your old routine and open your mind to new training ideas and techniques. Take two weeks off to take it easy and relax.

Step 2
Get yourself a copy of Rob Maraby’s Massive Growth System and follow that for 12 weeks. Condense the system down to at least 12 weeks by not taking as many days off from the gym as recommended.

Step 3
In the Gym: Slow down with your rep speed taking 2 seconds to raise the weight and 4 seconds to lower it, applying much greater effort and concentration. Aim to make slight improvements every couple of days or so, at least every week.

Step 4
Write everything down in a notebook like sets, reps, amount of weight used, your body weight, your goals, meals, supplements, diet.

Step 5
Creatine – almost immediately before and immediately after training
Whey Protein – 45 minutes before and after training
Casein – before bed
Multi Vit/min – 1 a day with a meal
Vit C – twice a day morning and evening with meals
Vit E – 1 a day
EFAs – 1 a day

Step 6
Try and Eat 4 times a day, not including protein shakes. Eat plenty of vegetables with Chicken, Beef or Fish. Eat fruit first thing in the morning only.

Step 7
Water – and plenty of it. It’s a lot more important than food but food just happens to be more satisfying. Drink at least 2 litres a day, at least. Take a litre to the gym if they don’t have a fresh clean supply. Plenty of Water is needed.

Step 8
After 12 weeks of training with the Massive Growth System it’s time to change things. First take note of your improvements. It’s always a good idea to have the knowledge of more than one muscle-building expert…so…go and get yourself a copy of Jeff Anderson’s Optimum Anabolics and follow that for at least 12 weeks or more.

Step 9
After 12 weeks or so, take note of your improvements and give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done. Take two weeks off, relax and enjoy.

Step 10
It’s time to start all over again – at least now you have a lot more muscle than you started with.

You might want to stick with the same two muscle-building systems again if you are pleased with your results… or you can move onto another two muscle building systems.

So there you have it – My 10 Steps For Massive Muscles.

Once again: It really is always a good idea to get expert help, instead of going around in circles getting nowhere fast.

Steps to An Incredible 6 Pack

Are you still looking for your 6 pack?

Well follow this nutritional program and you'll be able to drop 2 or more pounds per week for 6 to 8 weeks!

incredible 6 pack

Next Stop Abs.

Getting ripped fast requires drastic cuts in carbs, dietary fat and of course, your calories.

You'll need to steer clear of all oils, butter or fried foods and
keep your carbs under 50 grams a day!

Yes 50 grams-this is a turbocharged fat-loss plan!

Protein intake must go up when you're cutting carbs, fats and
calories. Keep your protein intake high.

Using this approach, you'll quickly drop a lot of body fat. The downside is that your energy levels can tank, leaving you unable to train if you're not used to a low-carb diet.

The Solution.

Breaking down the weeks into 3... 3 distinct diet phases during each of the 6 to 8 weeks of the program

Phase 1

  • Days: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
  • Carbs: less than 50 grams per day
  • Protein: 2 grams per pound of bodyweight
  • Cardio: 20 to 30 minutes at low level intensity every day.

During this phase the carbs are kept very low. All the carbs should be eaten after your workout to minimize protein breakdown that happens after training.

If for example you weight 200 lbs you need to take in 400 grams of
protein. The cardio is done merely to coax the body into giving up more of the stored fat.

Phase 2

  • Days: Thursday and Friday
  • Carbs: 100 to 150 grams per day
  • Protein: 105. to 1.75 grams per pound of bodyweight
  • Cardio: 40 minutes interval training each day

You would think that the extreme approach taken in phase 1 would do the trick to melt the fat. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. Strict dieting will lead to poor muscle recovery and flat muscles.

When muscles are flat the body can appear to be fatter. That's where
this phase comes in.

The additional carbs assists in glycogen recovery and prevent the
reserves from being drained.

When glycogen levels are low you will appear to be fatter and your
muscle will not recover as quickly. On these days split your carbs as follows:

1. 30-40 g in morning
2. 20-35 g preworkout
3. 50-75 post workout

With the extra carbs you'll be able to train and do cardio harder. I recommend alternating the cardio between going hard for 2 to 3 minutes and then using a much lower intensity for 2 to 3 minutes. Continue this pattern fir the full 40 minutes of cardio.

This interval training will kick up your metabolism Best time for
cardio in this phase is in the morning on an empty stomach.

Phase 3

  • Days: Saturday and Sunday
  • Carbs: 2 grams per pound of bodyweight
  • Protein: 1 gram per pound of bodyweight
  • Cardio: none take the time off

These are the easier days. Carbs go up and protein comes down.

Will there it is following this program will have you ripped in 6 to 8 weeks.

Figure out your menu; eat clean sources of food, chicken breast, and
tuna. Lean ground beef and other choices. You can figure in a protein supplement just make sure it isn't high in carbs.

But most of all enjoy your newly found 6 pack!

Strong As a Us Army Ranger

us army ranger

As a former Army Ranger I know the benefits of weight training, but many gym rats look upon weight lifting as the "holy grail" of muscle building. The reality is that while weights can play an important part in your conditioning programit is not the end all be all.

So the question that pops in my mind is "how useful are your weight trained muscle?"

Let's put them to the test...

Here's a taste of the physical requirements of becoming a U.S. Army Ranger.Try them out test yourself and see if you really are in shape. See if you're fit enough to wear the beret.

Army Rangers-Lead The Way

Ever wanted to put on the Army Ranger Tab on your uniform? Here is what you have to do to become a Ranger.

The training is broken up into three phases: Fort Benning Phase, Mountain Phase, and Florida Phase. The Benning Phase is executed in two parts and lasts for a total of 20 days.

As with most Special Operations units, the first phase is very physical. You will be required to perform an Army Ranger PFT consisting of the following:

Push-ups - 49+
Sit-ups - 59+
Chin ups - 6+
2 mile run in running shoes in 15:12 minutes or less

Other physical requirements and tests:
Combat water survival test 5-mile runs 3-mile runs with an obstacle course 16-mile foot march Night and day land navigation tests.

The most important pre-training exercise to do prior to Ranger school is walking fast in your boots with 50 pounds of weight on your back.

You will do this everyday you are at Ranger School. Running at least 5 miles, 3-4 times a week and swimming in uniform 2-3 times a week is recommended as well.

Pack on a 5-10 pounds of body weight prior to going so you have a little to lose when you are consuming fewer calories a day. Also known as "forced marches" or "humps", these events are basically walking at a fast pace over rough terrain with a back pack at least 45 lbs in weight. When you take the ruck march test, you will also carry a weapon, wear boots, BDU (Battle Dress Uniform - "fatigues" pants/blouse), LBE (Load Bearing Equipment - shoulder harness with canteens with water), and a helmet.

If you break it down, you need to train the major muscle groups of the body - legs and back. Sure your upper body (shoulders and arms) come into play carrying the backpack and weapon, but you will get most of your exhaustion from the legs and lower back. So, training your legs in running, leg PT, and rucking will build stamina and endurance you need for any type of Army or land navigation training.

The Run and Leg PT Workout:
Repeat 4-5 times
Run 1 mile at your goal pace (6-8:00/mile) (no ruck sack)
Squats - 30
Lunges - 20 / leg Calves (heel raises)- 30 per leg

The Non-impact version of Leg PT: Bike and Leg PT: Repeat 4-5 times.
Bike 5:00 at increasing levels per minute on a Life Cycle type stationary bike Squats - 30 Lunges - 20 / leg Calves - 30 per leg

Long Distance Bike / Leg Workout: Life Cycle Pyramid: On a stationary bike with manual mode and levels of resistance:

Start at level 1 for 1 minute, increase resistance level by 1 level each minute until you can no longer pedal in between the 80-90 RPM zone.

Typically, people will do this workout for 20-30 minutes depending on the bike they have. Some bike will max out at level 12 and some will go to at least 20 levels. Both are tough to get to the top of the pyramid levels. Once at the top, repeat all levels in reverse order and work yourself down the other side of the pyramid. Usually by the end of the pyramid, there is a puddle under you and your legs will be exhausted.

And, of course, there are long distance ruck marches for 10-20 miles with at least 45 lbs in a ruck sack you must train for prior to some of the advanced Army courses. The best way to train for these to move out with a ruck sack for 1-4 hours at a time combined with smart foot care.

Interesting stuff huh? Try it see if you're fit enough.

Myths of Bodybuilding That Fooled Most People

myths of bodybuilding

If you stop working out, your muscles will turn to fat

Muscle and fat are two different things and they cannot from one to another because they are completely two different types of tissue. The myth probably started because some former weight lifters continue to eat more even though they have already stop weight lifting. Their muscle could also shrink from long disuse.

Look for the one with the highest amount of protein serving when choosing a protein supplement.

A protein supplement that has 50 grams of protein per serving may sounds more because it has a bigger measuring scoop or the serving suggestion may require more than one scoop. Look carefully at the serving suggestion label when buying a protein supplement.

The longer I train in the gym, the more muscle I’ll gain.

When you train in the gym for a long time, your body hits a catabolic state and it would lead to a plateau. A plateau is an inability to progress in training and it would last for months. A training session of 45 minutes to 1 hour would be ideal.

I should seek training advice from a pro bodybuilder.

Many bodybuilders are big because of genetics and hard work. They may not have the correct scientific explanation as to how they got that way. People with the right genetics would train and diet incorrectly and still grow big. You should seek gym instructors or trained professionals.

The more you sweat the more fat you lose.

The amount of sweat does not necessarily reflect how hard you are working because some may sweat a lot due to heavy body weight, poor conditioning or heredity. Exercising in hot weather will make you sweat a lot and it looks like you have lost weight immediately but that lost weight is almost consisted of water in your body. The weights will return when you replenish your fluids by drinking after the workout.

No pain, no gain?

It should never be painful and if it is, you are likely injured from overtraining. When you over train, you would experience physiological and mental stress as well as other health problems.

Best Foods for Building Muscle

Many bodybuilders; when I use the term bodybuilder I use it in the truest sense of the word, "someone that is building his or her body", know of the importance of tuna fish in their diet.

Recently, the news came out regarding the muscle building benefits of omega-3 fatty acids i.e. enhanced fat loss, muscle growth and joint recovery. Suddenly salmon, the fish with the richest source of omega-3 fatty acids was nudging out Charlie the tuna for leadership.

foods for building muscle

If you were to choose one fish which would it be? Aside from personal taste preference.

Here's the facts:

Per 3 ounce can of light tuna has fewer calories, less total fat and more protein than fresh salmon. It's also a little richer in critical amino acids, like BCCAs, arginine, and glutamine.

Fresh salmon however is much richer in omega-3 fatty acids, more than 7 times the amount of tuna!

Fresh salmon also contains more than twice the vitamin b6 and slightly more vitamin b12. Each fish is definitely loaded with nutritional benefits.

So the question now becomes not WHICH fish to eat but WHEN!

For Meals before and after a workout the best choice is tuna. Why??

Greater protein content
Lower fat levels insure delivery of critical amino acids

Eating salmon around workout time is a bad idea. The healthy fats slow down the digestion process of the salmos proteins.

Still I like to get in 2 to 3 meals a week; on rest days, of salmon.

Or at worst eat my salmon meal but, not work out till 4 hours later

There has bee some recent studies as to the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids in the area of increasing male libido. I'll post more regarding tat in some future post.
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