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Recent Bodybuilding Articles

Cardio on Cutting

cardio on cutting

Aerobic exercise is one of the most effective ways to get rid of surplus subcutaneous fat, when an athlete needs to lose weight. Aerobic loads in bodybuilding are used when it is necessary to designate the relief of muscles, while cardio in bodybuilding has a completely different purpose than in other sports. The thing is that aerobic trainings not only burn excess fat, but also contribute to the reduction of muscle mass. Therefore, training in bodybuilding should be organized so that the reduction in muscle mass was minimal.

Cardio on cutting in bodybuilding can have different manifestations. It all depends on what kind of sport is preferred: one likes running, and others prefer to pedal bikes. But here, not every athlete can be approached, for example, running, when there are excess weight or there are problems with the back. In this case, you will have to use the services of a sports hall and work on simulators.

Unfortunately, there are sports that can severely deplete the athlete due to their intensity. Such sports include martial arts, sprints, swimming, etc. To maximize the muscle relief, aerobic workloads in bodybuilding should be little intense, but lengthy.

How much do you need to do cardio on cutting

how much cardio

In an environment where you need to get rid of excess fat, but keep muscle volumes, aerobic exercise is better alternating, with power loads. Aerobic loads will burn excess fat, and strength exercises will maintain muscle mass at the proper level. The ideal option is a pair of cardio workouts and 2-3 strength training.

As already mentioned above, aerobic loads in the cutting process should be of low intensity, but of a long duration. Experienced athletes are recommended to practice on a treadmill, stepper or on simulator for one hour and not less. The fact is that fat begins to be actively burned only after half an hour of training, so less than half an hour does not make sense, and less than an hour is ineffective.

Cardio when losing weight: the features of load

As a rule, all workouts should begin with a warm-up, otherwise you can overload the heart muscle, especially without preparation. All recommend, start training with stretch marks, then with a slow walk on the simulator, with jogging, followed by a slow increase in speed, so the load.

Important! The most important thing is to determine the optimal rate of aerobic loads. These indicators are associated not with the speed of movement, but with readings of heartbeats. In such cases, the optimal indicators are 110-130 beats per minute.

Prolactin in Bodybuilding

The use of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) requires the athletes to continuously monitor the hormonal background during the intake. Those who ignore different requirements, as a result, receive only side effects and no benefit from training. In other words, as a result of taking steroids, an athlete does not achieve the desired results, regardless of the intensity of the sport. In addition, there are serious health problems. These problems, in the first place, are connected with the balance of male and female hormones: male - testosterone and female - estradiol, progesterone and prolactin. If the first of them all have long been known, then the last two are unlikely, since information about them is not so much, even on Internet.

In this regard, it makes sense to talk about prolactin. It is a hormone of the breast, an overdose of which can lead to serious negative consequences associated with intimate life.

Why a man needs prolactin?


Prolactin is not needed absolutely for a man, and this is understandable, since it is a purely female hormone, which is responsible for the allocation of milk in the mammary glands of a woman. As for men, it is present in the body, but in a concentration that does not affect his sexual behavior. With the increase in the level of prolactin in the blood of men, the real problems begin, connected with the attraction of a man to a woman. Moreover, everything is purely individual: for someone it is necessary to raise the level of prolactin in the body one and a half times, so that problems begin, and for someone, a very slight increase in it can affect the attitude of men and women in terms of sex.

The fact is that with an increase in the norm of prolactin in the blood of a man, his potency decreases and the libido weakens (attraction to a woman). It is encouraging that all these problems can be temporary and with the normalization of the level of prolactin in the blood, all problems immediately disappear.

But here, immediately, it is necessary to point out the psychological factor that can leave behind a very large wound that will heal for a long timee.

An increase in the level of prolactin in the blood is associated with some factors, which it makes sense to talk.

Causes of increased prolactin levels

prolactin levels

The level of prolactin in the blood of men can increase based on various causes. The first reason is the use of drugs based on AAS, and the second reason is the increase as a result of congenital or acquired anomalies in the process of vital activity. Causes that do not depend on taking AAS drugs are:

  • Diseases of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, in the form of tumors "prolactinoma".
  • Strengthening the function of the thyroid gland is hypothyroidism.
  • Painful manifestations of the kidneys.
  • Painful manifestations of the liver.
  • Autoimmune changes - arthritis, lupus erythematosus, etc.
  • Absence or deficiency of vitamin B6.
  • Constant stress, with increased levels of estradiol and progesterone.

In the case of increased prolactin levels in the blood, without the facts of taking AAS medications, you should pay attention to this list and consult a doctor. As a result, it is necessary to conduct diagnostic studies of the pituitary gland, as well as determine the level of thyroid hormones. In addition, to examine the work of the liver and kidneys, as well as to analyze the presence of vitamin B6 in the blood. In this case, do not forget about the last line of this list and analyze your life for the presence of stress. In most cases, it is stressful conditions that lead to an imbalance of hormones in the human body. The consequences of stress can be both psychological and physical. Most likely, as a result of heavy physical exertion and lack of adequate nutrition, the body experiences severe fatigue and loss of strength, which is why these problems arise. In this case, you need to urgently review the way of life and normalize your regime, getting rid of unnecessary loads that lead to fatigue. Fatigue of the whole body leads to physical stress. As for psychological stress, it can arise against the background of deteriorating relationships between a man and a woman, which can also arise as a result of increasing levels of prolactin in the blood of a man. As you can see, everything is interconnected here.

Sometimes thyroid disease, such as hypothyroidism, leads to an increase in the level of TSH (thyroid hormone), indicating its increased secretion. This leads to an increase in the level of prolactin in the blood of a man.

This phenomenon, like gynecomastia, leads to an increase in the concentration of prolactin in the blood, although the opposite effect is possible: with an increase in the level of prolactin, gynecomastia also appears. If this phenomenon is strongly pronounced, then you should consult a doctor and do the operation. It is not complex and not expensive, but it is possible to "kill two birds with one stone", simultaneously. In addition, that will improve the hormonal background, noticeably improve appearance.

Increase of prolactin level during AAS cycle

prolactin level during aas

Increasing the level of prolactin in the blood, without the practice of taking AAS drugs, is considered very rare. If we talk about athletes, then this increase is associated with a wrong intake of androgenic anabolic steroids. Some athletes ignore the doses of application that are prescribed in the instructions and increase doses, believing that this will be the means to speed up the results.

Here, the first position is reached by progestins, which possess progestogenic activity. These are such drugs as nandrolone, trenbolone, oxymetholone, boldenone. In this case, it makes no sense to talk about the mechanisms of increasing prolactin concentration, but it makes sense to pay attention to some points that somehow influence this process.

The first point relates to the fact that before each course of admission it is desirable to determine the balance of hormones in your body. If, as a result of the research, it is found that the level of prolactin is overestimated, then in no case should you take progestins.

When drugs of this group are taken, hormone levels should be monitored regularly, regardless of the dosage of the drugs.

One or two weeks after the start of the course of treatment, it is necessary to donate blood for analysis to determine the level of prolactin. If there is a tendency to increase, then you should immediately start taking cabergoline. In the pharmacy this drug is sold under the name Cabaser, Cabgolin.

This drug is taken once a week for one tablet (0.5 mg). This will help maintain a low level of prolactin in the blood throughout the course of taking the drug.

So, conclusions are implied.

How to deal with an increased level of prolactin

First, it is necessary to determine the causes of increased prolactin levels. If this is not a consequence of taking AAS (they just were not taken), then you need to see a doctor and determine the level of your health. Particular attention should be paid to the liver, kidney, thyroid, pituitary, etc., as well as to analyze their way of life and, if necessary, revise it.

With the manifestation of gynecomastia, which directly indicates an increase in the level of prolactin, it is better to consult a doctor and get rid of this ailment surgically.

When taking AAS drugs, when there is a tendency to increase the concentration of prolactin, you should immediately start taking cabergoline.

One more important point to note is the excess weight, which indicates a change in the level of estradiol. This factor also affects the level of prolactin in the blood, increasing it.

And, finally, try to avoid stressful situations and nervous overload.

Combat Sports: Lower Body Strength

combat sports

Do not neglect the importance of lower body strength. Your legs play host to the largest, most powerful muscles in your body. The legs carry you from point A to point B. The legs produce the force necessary to explode towards your opponent.

In combat, the legs, hips, trunk, and core generate the power necessary to deliver explosive kicks and punches. Much of your power originates from the lower body. When you punch, the power starts from the ground, as you violently pivot on the balls of your feet. The hips and trunk then take over, as the punch is thrown.

Leg and hip strength is also necessary for kicking. Your power originates from the legs. Powerful kicks require explosive hip action. Exercises such as lunges, step-ups, and squats offer tremendous benefits to combat athletes. Build your house on a rock solid foundation. Train the legs!

Weightlifting: Focus Your Workouts Around the Squat and Deadlifts

squat and deadlifts

Squats and deadlifts are the most effective exercises you can do to put on muscle. They both involve the use of a lot of your muscles and are so powerful they can drive the growth of your other muscles. For example, if you started squatting your chest will get bigger as a result.

No one is sure of the mechanism involved but it probably has to do with the overall hormonal effect squats have. You see when you perform a set of squats and deadlifts your entire body is being stressed which triggers the release of testosterone and growth hormone.

Both of the exercises also require a tremendous amount of effort from your nervous system. And the more this is activated the more your body will grow. Squats and deadlifts have long been the secret of powerlifters for packing on muscle mass very quickly.

For example, one of the best powerlifting gyms in the country attributes 30- 40 lbs. of muscle added to each beginner in the first year to these exercises. You should always have one or the other in your training program to get the maximum results.

Cinnamic Acid Improves Blood Sugar Regulation


Some of the simplest foods are some­times the healthiest. Cinnamon is a pop­ular kitchen spice used to flavor oat­meal, desserts, coffee and hot chocolate. It also promotes insulin metabolism and improves blood sugar control. Its active ingredient is cinnamic acid, which is also found in fruits, vegetables and flowers. Thai researchers found that adding cinnamic acid to cultured pan­creatic cells (the pancreas secretes insulin) increased insulin release by as much as 300 percent.

In humans, Swedish scientists found that includ­ing 6 grams of cinnamon in rice pud­ding reduced blood sugar and delayed emptying of the pudding from the stomach without affecting hunger. Cinnamon contains antioxi­dants called phenols that decrease inflammation and promote blood ves­sel health. Even small doses of cinna­mon were helpful. People who ate 1 gram of cinnamon per day— about a half teaspoon— for 40 days showed reduced blood sugar, triglycerides (blood fats), LDL cholesterol (the bad choles­terol), and total cholesterol. Including cinnamon in the diet might reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Bodybuilders would benefit by sprin­kling a teaspoon of cinnamon on their oatmeal at breakfast.

Nuts: Your Cardiovascular Protection

Several studies show that nuts are potent cardiovascular defend­ers. One project that tracked 30,000 Seventh-Day Adventists examined the connection between 65 foods and the incidence of CVD among church members. Of all the foods monitored, nuts had the strongest disease-prevention effects. Com­pared to those who ate nuts less than once a week, those who ate them one to four times weekly showed a 25 percent reduced risk of cardiovascular mortality. Church members who ate nuts five or more times a week showed a 50 percent decreased risk. The protective ef­fects of nuts were about the same for men and women and persisted despite such other risk factors as blood pressure and body weight.


The Iowa Women’s Health Study, which involved 40,000 older women, confirmed the protective effects of nuts against CVD—the higher the nut intake, the greater the protection. That was significant because as women age, they lose the CVD protection that’s attributed to estrogen.

The Physicians’ Health Study found that eating nuts appears to protect against sudden death from heart disease. Doctors in the study who ate nuts at least twice a week showed a significantly reduced risk of sudden death. That’s in line with research showing that certain  fatty acids, particularly omega-3s, stabilize errant heart rhythm, the primary cause of sudden cardiac death.

Several studies show that eating walnuts can help improve blood lipids. Walnuts lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and total blood cholesterol, which is good for cardiovascular health, chiefly because they contain alpha-linoleic acid. Another study compared diets rich in either almonds or olive oil.  Like many nuts, olive oil contains monounsaturated fats and is a pri­mary ingredient in Mediterranean diets. The group on the almond-based diet, however, experienced a 16 percent drop in total cholesterol, with a 19 percent decline in LDL cholesterol. No changes occurred in the olive-oil group. Levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL)—the good cholesterol—remained stable in the almond group.

The plant protein in nuts aver­ages 14 to 26 percent by weight. Nutritionists sometimes criticize plant protein because its amino acid balance is inferior to that of animal protein, such as the kind in milk and eggs. In certain respects, however, plant proteins have prop­erties that animal-based proteins don’t. The amino acid arrangement in plant proteins seems to help lower blood lipids in a way that’s not true of animal proteins. Com­parisons between casein, a milk protein, and soy bear that out, and nut protein is similar to that of soy.


Nuts are rich in the amino acid arginine, which protects against CVD because it’s the direct dietary precursor of nitric oxide synthesis. No dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure, prevents the struc­tural changes in arteries that foster atherosclerosis and inhibit internal blood clots, the primary immediate cause of most heart attacks and strokes.

Nuts are one of the richest food sources of alpha-tocopherol, or vitamin E, a dietary antioxidant associated with helping prevent CVD. Almonds and hazelnuts are rich sources of alpha-tocopherol, while walnuts and pecans are high in gamma-tocopherol, a form of vitamin E more potent than the alpha version in preventing prostate cancer.

Folic acid, a B-complex vitamin, lowers the blood level of a poten­tially toxic by-product of amino acid metabolism called homocys-teine. Some studies suggest that as much as half of all CVD stems from elevated homocysteine, which is also linked to such other diseases as Alzheimer’s. Nuts are rich in folic acid, and peanuts have four times more of it than other nuts.

Fiber The Forgotten Carb

Fiber is also an important component of nutrition. It is the most recognized of all carbohydrates in terms of disease prevention and general health, and it can be classified as two different types: soluble and insoluble. Insoluble fiber has merit in the realm of intestinal cleanliness and slowing down digestion through the GI tract, which allows for more thorough vitamin and nutrient absorption.

Soluble fiber, on the other hand, is invaluable for our theory of a calorie is not just a calorie. In a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine in 2000, a diet containing 50g of fiber (25 soluble, 25 insoluble) can lower cholesterol, improve glycemic control and decrease hyperinsulinemia. These findings are very important to nutrition’s emphasis on controlling the glycemic index of meals. By ingesting soluble fiber at mealtime, we can prevent spikes in the blood sugar and regulate the overall secretion of insulin.

rich fiber foods

In the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1991, natural oat fiber reduced blood glucose and insulin levels. The soluble fiber used in this study was beta-glucan. Oats and barley are good natural sources of beta-glucan and are the primary sources of carbs used in your Macrobolic MRP. In a 1994 study published in Diabetic Medicine, patients fed wheat farina with oat bran showed a marked decrease in postprandial blood glucose levels and lower overall insulin secretion.

Fiber’s impact on maintaining lower blood glucose and lower insulin levels are all conducive to increased GH levels, increased fat burning and decreased cortisol—everything your body needs to increase muscle and burn body fat.

How Muscles Grow

Successful bodybuilders must maximize protein synthesis and minimize protein breakdown. A review of literature from the University of Kentucky College of Medicine described the processes involved in muscle hypertrophy.

Muscles increase in size in response to growth factors (testosterone, growth hormone, IGF-1), cytokines (signaling chemicals), nutrients (amino acids, carbohydrates, calories) and resistive exercise. Amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, activate signaling chemicals in muscles that turn on protein synthesis and increase muscle fiber size. Chemicals called ribosomal protein S6 kinase and the target of rapamycin (mTOR) are important cell-signaling chemicals that regulate protein synthesis. They are sensitive to small changes in cell energy levels. They work like biological computer programs to line up amino acids needed to produce new muscle tissue.

After weight training, supplementing carbohydrates and proteins activates protein-signaling chemicals that promote protein synthesis and muscle growth. Muscle tension, blood levels of amino acids (particularly leucine) and insulin are key factors triggering muscle growth. They stimulate signaling pathways inside the muscle cells that promote protein synthesis and modify muscle protein breakdown, remodeling and repair.

Triceps Training Advices

triceps training
The triceps muscle is particularly troublesome for women, but a lot of men also need to tone the back parts of their upper arms. You use your triceps for pushing and pulling, so having strength there will not only make you look fit but also help prevent injury.

Triceps pushups. Grab a chair and sit on the edge with your hands holding onto the front of the seat, palms to the back. Stretch your legs out straight and position yourself so your back is almost touching the front of the chair. Bend your arms to slowly lower your body till your rear end almost touches the floor, and then push yourself up until your arms are straight and your elbows are locked. You can do a similar movement, lifting your bodyweight, on parallel bars. If you use parallel bars, keep your legs hanging straight down under your torso.

Triceps pushdowns. Now sit on the chair and grab it at the sides of the seat, stretching your legs out and locking your elbows. Slide your butt off the chair and lower yourself as far as you can, then push down to raise yourself back up.

Triceps extensions. Stand or sit with a dumbbell in one hand. Straighten your arm so the dumbbell is overhead. Bend your elbow so your forearm moves behind your head, inhaling as you move. Then press the dumbbell up as you exhale. You can also do this exercise with a dumbbell in each hand, raising them simultaneously. Try to keep your upper arms stationary, next to your head; don’t move anything except your forearms.

Do two to three sets of 10 to 15 reps of these exercises.
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