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With no prescription needed and supplements always on demand, we are the voice and heart of professional bodybuilding. Since 2001 has been North America’s source for never seen before powerful anabolic products, legal steroids and breaking news. We offer cutting edge formulas both in powder and pill form. We also offer the ability to mix and match to meet your specific needs.

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Recent Bodybuilding Articles

Why do we need magnesium?

Over half of the less than two ounces of magnesium in a 130- pound person is in the bones. Magnesium is critical to the operation of hundreds of enzymes and directly affects the metabolism of potassium, calcium, and vitamin D. It plays an integral role in nearly three hundred body functions. It aids in bone growth, basic metabolic functions, and the functioning of nerves and muscles, including the regulation of normal heart rhythm. Low intake has been linked to high blood pressure, heart-rhythm abnormalities, and heart attack.

The food sources of Magnesium are mainly Nuts, legumes, whole grains, wheat bran, dark green vegetables, bananas, apricots, etc.
People whose drinking water has a high magnesium content experience a lower incidence of sudden death from heart attack. Magnesium is easily washed and peeled away from foods during processing, so fresh or slightly processed foods are your best choices.

Anabolic Steroids Side Effects: Hair Loss

The use of highly androgenic steroids can negatively act on the growth of scalp hair. Actually, the most common form of male pattern hair loss is directly connected to the level of androgens in such tissues, most specifically the stronger DHT metabolite of testosterone. The technical term for this type of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia, which refers to the interplay of both the male androgenic hormones and a genetic tendency in bringing about this condition. Those who suffer from this disorder are shown to have finer hair follicles and higher levels of DHT in comparison to a normal, hairy scalp. But since there is a genetic factor involved, many individuals will not ever see signs of this side-effect, even with intense steroid use. Clearly those individuals who are suffering from hair loss or have a familial predisposition for this should be very careful when using the stronger drugs like testosterone, Anadrol, Halotestin or Dianabol.

After this problem occur the renewal of lost hair can be very difficult and avoiding this side-effect before it occurs is the best advice. For those who need to worry, the decision should probably be made to either stick with milder substances like Deca-Durabolin, or use the ancillary drug Propecia/Proscar (finasteride) when taking testosterone, methyltestosterone or Halotestin. Propecia is a very helpful hair loss medication, which inhibits the 5-alpha reductase enzyme particularly in the hair follicles and prostate. However, it offers us little benefit with drugs that are highly androgenic without 5alpha reduction.

Getting Rid of Man Boobs

Getting rid of the man boobs doesn't come easy. It requires lots of hard work and an ample special training regime. Forget about doing hundreds of press-ups, bench presses or crossovers. They're virtually useless when it comes to shifting the fat from your chest. And a few short cardio sessions each week isn't going to be enough, either. A full-body training program that includes both cardiovascular and resistance exercises will deliver better and quicker results.

To lose the man boobs, eating right and exercising frequently needs to become a life habit. f your schedule does not have any holes, make some. Get out of bed earlier and better turn off the TV. Stop wasting time on internet social networks. Train hard, be consistent and the results will come. To the loss, aim for 40-45 minutes of high-intensity cardio at least three times a week and combine this with two or three bouts of resistance exercise, such as weight training or a body-weight circuit.
Although exercises such as the bar-bell bench press, weighted press-up and dumb-bell single-arm bench press should form part of your training routine, it's essential not to get carried away with too many chest exercises. Working the muscles in your back is also important and if you ignore them you'll create a muscular imbalance that will inevitably lead to injury. Make sure you do just as many pulling movements. Follow these simple rules and stick to a good diet and you'll have the pectorals you always wished for. 

Classify Your Workout Movements

Compound/Major Movements
Squat, Safety Squat, Leg Press
Deadlift, Trap Bar Deadlift, Sumo Deadlift, Stiff Leg Deadlift
Bench Press, Incline Press, Parallel bar Dip, Close Grip bench Press
Pullup/Chinup, Pull-Down, Bent Row, Dumbbell Row, Cable Row
Seated/Military Press, Dumbbell Press 

  Accessory Movements
Barbell Curl, Dumbbell Curl
Triceps Pushdowns, Skull Crushers
Calf Raises
Neck Work (Machine or Manual)
Grip Work (various)
Crunch Sit-up, Hanging Leg Raise, Pulley Crunch)

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