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With no prescription needed and supplements always on demand, we are the voice and heart of professional bodybuilding. Since 2001 has been North America’s source for never seen before powerful anabolic products, legal steroids and breaking news. We offer cutting edge formulas both in powder and pill form. We also offer the ability to mix and match to meet your specific needs.

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Recent Bodybuilding Articles

Simple Steps For Healthy Eating

Instead of giving you a complicated menu that takes forward planning to follow, we've come up with an easy-to-use meal generator that lets you eat foods you actually like while still staying healthy. We've provided a range of foods to choose from: for each meal you eat pick two or three, making sure you include at least one source of protein and one piece of fruit or vegetables with each meal or snack. We've also highlighted foods you should avoid, which may not always be the ones you expect Eat little and often because six small meals spread throughout the day is better for fat loss than a couple of huge ones. Don’t worry about counting calories or grams of macronutrients. This isn't a diet -it's just a better way to think about eating.

Focus on protein
Protein will make you feel fuller for longer, so you'll be less tempted by snacks, and it'll also provide the nutrients needed to prepare damaged muscles. Protein actually takes the body more calories to digest than carbs, so it'll give your system a helpful fat-burning nudge.

Don't avoid fat
Ditch the idea that eating fat makes you fat- it simply isn't true. You need plenty of healthy monounsaturated fats, the kind you'll find in avocados and most nuts - in your diet. Saturated fats aren't as good for you but there's no need to avoid them entirely. The ones to skip are trans fats-but you'll only find these in processed foods, which the meal generator avoids.

Go heavy on veg
Feel free to pile your plate high with green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach or leafy greens-it's almost impossible to eat too many and they're full of important nutrients. Health

Grapefruits: An Important Source Of Energy


Eat one grapefruit a day for two weeks and you could see significant improvements in your appearance and vitality, according to a trial published in The Grocer. After two weeks eating the fruit, 80 per cent of the women involved said their concentration had improved, 67 per cent rated their energy levels as “excellent” or “Very good” and 81 per cent said their skin looked better. Grapefruit can also help lower cholesterol, protect and repair cell damage and aid weight loss. It can interfere with some medications, though, so check with your GP first if you're taking any.

Female Health: Keep Your Joints Young

Female Health

Shed Excess Weight
Carrying extra pounds puts your joints under pressure and can wear down the cushioning cartilage that protects them. Research shows our load-bearing joints - our ankles and knees - are very vulnerable to excess weight, and our hips and backs are also sensitive. In the long-term, this can leave you at risk of developing osteoarthritis - studies have shown that people who are obese are 14 times more likely to develop knee osteoarthritis than people who maintain a healthy weight.

Stay Active
Regular exercise not only helps with weight management, it also directly benefits your joints. Exercising frequently and through your whole range of movement boosts circulation, so joints are flushed with oxygen and nutrients while waste products are siphoned away. Loading your joints also strengthens the supportive network of muscles around them. Any exercise is good, but walking, cycling and swimming in useful in particular. Avoid throwing yourself into exercise in a hurry. Just as being immobile is not a good thing, overdoing it can trigger stresses and strains.

Avoid Work Issues
A deskbound lifestyle can make your joints lazy and vulnerable, so watch your posture and crowbar some activity into your day-to-day life. Avoid slouching to guard your neck, shoulder and hip joints, and take regular breaks, Instead of picking up the phone, walk to your colleague's desk and have meeting while standing up. Check your workspace isn't putting your joints under added stress.

A dress for Success
Wearing high heels can contribute to joint degeneration and knee osteoarthritis, according to research from Iowa State University. Adjust your heel height to what you're doing and wear trainers to and from work, for example. And remember, flip-flops and ballet flats can also be unsupportive. Downsize your handbag too - according to studies, the average women's bag weighs 51b (2.25kg). And also If you don't want a wear a rucksack, carry two bags to balance yourself.

Feed your Joints
Eat plenty of vividly colored fresh fruit and vegetables, as high levels of antioxidants can help mop up free radicals, which contribute to joint inflammation. Make sure you get enough calcium, too. Leafy greens, tinned fish and dairy products are good sources. And eat plenty of oily fish such as salmon and mackerel, as studies show omega 3 fatty acids can also help to reduce joint inflammation. There's no solid evidence supplements can prevent chronic issues, but celadrin, chondroitin and glucosamine are the most common types for joint health. In addition to your joint-friendly eating habits, a daily dose of daylight will help you get your quota of joint and bone-boosting vitamin D.
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