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Recent Bodybuilding Articles

Anabolic Steroids and Proper Nutrition

Ignoring the role of proper nutrition, can significantly weaken the anabolic effect of steroids and strengthen their side effects. Steroids are most effective when used in combination with high-calorie foods and high protein content nutrients. The only steroid, which to some extent shows an anabolic effect in the low-calorie diet - is Primobolan. The optimal amount of consumed calories for a day when using steroids is 4000 - 7000 kcal. This amount should be 60% of complex carbohydrates, 20% of protein and 20% in form of fat. To achieve the optimal nutritive effects may require additional efforts. Many athletes eat too little in order to make steroids work better and even if they consume enough calories, it is often at the expense of too much fat in their diet. And this approach is not the best one. It is important to know that the use of anabolic steroids can increase blood cholesterol and blood pressure, which can lead to heart disease. If an athlete is seriously decided to take advantage of that provide steroids, he should understand that proper nutrition is an essential part of the steroid program. You should always try to avoid inclusion in the diet of excessive fat, to exclude the risk of heart disease, which is already fraught with the use of steroids. At the same time it is necessary to ensure that in the diet there is a right amount of protein, and that quantity of calories should be optimal in order to maximize the effectiveness of steroids.

From Anorexic to Athlete

A young mother, who was just a step away from anorexia when her weight dropped to just 38 kilograms, was able to cope with the disease and become a female bodybuilder!

23-year-old Rachel Hobbs lost weight up to 38 pounds before unexpectedly became pregnant five years ago. According to the girl, after the birth of her son, she decided to change her life and began an active workout. She believed that the muscle building and sport will help her cope with the disease and make her more attractive.

Rachel was very thin in 16 years because of the constant stress and anxiety for her twin sister Nicole, who suffered from anorexia.

After years of training she took part in the bodybuilding contest and since then she  follows a strict training regime. Rachel originally planned to perform only one competition, but after her successful performance decided not to stop there and take part in other bodybuilding competitions.

In several years  she was able to recover almost 13 pounds.  Nowadays she conducts its own counseling on nutrition and works in the Internet company that helps people choose a healthier way of life.

"I lost weight up to 38 pounds when my twin sister Nicola suffered from anorexia. I'm very worried about her and this was the cause of great stress, which in 16 years I could not handle. The weight was never a problem for me, but I was not very healthy child, "- she added.

Rachel is constantly faced with critics who say that the young mother must not take part in such contests, flaunting her body but she stated that she wants want to continue doing professional bodybuilding. An example worth following!

The Hollow Rock Exercise

To perform this useful and rare exercise you should lay face up on the ground with your arms stretched overhead and legs out straight. Raise your arms and legs about one foot off of the floor and attempt to assume the shape of a rocker on a rocking chair, then softly and slowly, teeter back and forth.

The critical part of this movement is to pull the lumbar arch from the back so that the entire back is rounded from shoulders to butt. This exercise is a perfect measure of both a weakness in and inability to innervate the lower abs.

The role of the hip flexors is fairly insignificant in the hollow rock but the role of the lower rectus (lower abs) is crucial.

For many people the hollow rock is so hard that no matter how hard they try they crash on each rocking as they come to level and the flat spot caused by insufficient lumbar flexion smacks the floor. This crashing is an ideal measure of ones lack of lower ab recruitment.

Lower ab recruitment is the toughest part of ab training and is never well developed by most athletes. Activation, full recruitment, and development of the lower abs require massive concentration and focus over months or even years. The hollow rock is a near perfect tool to both test and develop low ab capacity.
hollow rock should be practiced even if it gives you colossal difficulties. Start by trying to rock continuously for two minutes regardless of the quality of the movement. Avoid raising the hands and feet to maintain the rocking motion as best you can.

When mastered, the body is dished out flat, the hands and feet are low, and the impetus for the rocking is almost undetectable. When you can do this smoothly – no flat spot – for two minutes you’ll have absolutely great abs.

Bodybuilding and Common Cold Disease

bodybuilding cold condition

Bodybuilding during common cold is not a very good idea. It has been observed that in the period of disease, the recovery period is significantly delayed.

The most important thing you need to know in the period of the disease is that the muscle anabolic processes stop and the body triggers the secretion of cortisol, which is responsible for muscle breakdown, thereby performing even simple exercises may lead to an additional secretion of cortisol.

We can conclude that exercise during illness is prohibited and you not only will you destroy the muscles, but also cause substantial damage to your health. If you come after a long-lasting cold condition, after the full recovery you should refrain from training for two to three days, otherwise the training won’t be very useful.

Right after the cure you should keep a warm atmosphere around you, no matter where you are.
There a several tips for quick recovery after the Cold:
  • Take high doses of vitamin C, it has been proven that in the period of disease the body needs increased amounts of the vitamin.
  • Also, do not forget about taking vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • Try to drink lots of water along to get rid of toxins. To speed up the recovery you require 2-3 liters of water.
  • Garlic and onion are crucial in a period of illness, they contain volatile, which help the body to destroy the viral bacteria.
  • You need rest during illness, stay in bed, avoid physical exercise and get plenty of sleep.
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