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Athletes Recipies: Strawberry & Banana Oatmeal

strawberry & banana oatmeal


1/2 cup steel-cut oats, 1/3 cup oat bran, 3/4 cup frozen or fresh strawberries , 1 medium banana, sliced, 1.5 scoops strawberry or vanilla whey protein powder, Water, as directed, 1⁄4 teaspoon salt , Dash of cinnamon (big dash)


In the evening, prepare the oats in the same manner as the Blueberry Oatmeal recipe. Again in the morning, bring the oats to a simmer and add the banana, salt, cinnamon, and oat bran. Keep stirring and simmer until you have the desired consistency (10 minutes or so), remove from heat, and stir-in the strawberries and protein powder.

Nutritional Structures
Calories :696
Protein (g) 50
Carbohydrates (g) 115
Fat (g) : 11
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